Sally Face Wiki

Kenneth Phelps was one of the two main antagonists of Sally Face. He was the father of Travis Phelps, and a pastor at the Phelps Ministry. He was the Archbishop of The Devourers of God.


Kenneth's most striking feature was his intricate grey dog mask. He wore the traditional black-and-blue-grey robe of the Cult, albeit with additional decor, including epaulets of red and blue-grey, and matching elaboration to the robe's neckline. Similarly, rather than his underlings' black undergarments, his were a lighter blue-grey, with patterned red hems on the skirt and sleeve bottoms.

During the cult's ritual in "Memories and Dreams", Kenneth's body becomes entirely made of shadow. Beforehand, he was shown to at least have human hands.


Kenneth Phelps was the personification of a zealot, possessing no qualms releasing Red-Eyes upon the world in service to the cause of the Devourers of God, nor in gouging the wallets of his church members[1].

Though never specifically attached to his religion, or even textually acknowledged, Kenneth's homophobia and strict expectations for his son continually manifested as physical and emotional abuse.


Due to being born into the family that founded it, Kenneth was likely a part of the Devourers of God from a very young age. This would potentially mean that he was present for Terrence Addison's metamorphosis, as well as his family's deaths, depending on Kenneth's age.

In 1975[2], Kenneth had a son, Travis, with a woman who is never spoken about.

On August 16th, 1984[3], Kenneth shot and killed Diane Fisher as part of measures taken to prevent the final prophecy of Citlali Grey[4].

Rose's 1987[5] plot to stop the cult[6] was most likely taken in direct action against Kenneth.

During Sal's school years, the cult works rather quietly, up until 1999[7] and the events leading to the Mass Murder at Addison Apartments. Several years later, he calls for the kidnapping of Todd, who then becomes the new intended host for Red-Eyes. Whether Todd escaped or was freed after infection is unknown.

Kenneth leads the cult in the opening of the void, which succeeds, but is stopped by Sal, Ash, Todd, and Larry after Travis stabs him and sends them both tumbling into the aforementioned void.


  • Aside from Sal Fisher, Kenneth Phelps is the only named character in the game whose face is never revealed.
  • Kenneth purportedly cared for a dog[8].
  • Kenneth is likely based on Fred Phelps Sr., the founder of the Westboro Baptist Church; both carry the surname Phelps, and the two have similar personalities.


The Wretched

The Trial

Memories and Dreams


  1. "March 23 Encourage the new members to increase their offering" (Strange Boxes Chapter 6 ("Pulling Threads"))
  2. Gabry, Steve [@PortableMoose]. “[...]Travis’s Birthday: February 10th, 1975” Twitter, 30 March 2023,
  3. "THE SLAUGHTERING OF CHILDREN - August 16th, 1984, 255 children and 32 adults were murdered, across North America.[...] It is now my understanding that the cult had something to do with this and was likely the orchestrator of the whole thing." ~TODD’S NOTES ("Memories and Dreams")
  4. "Now they're planning a mass murder of children across the globe! They think these kids are a threat to them. I have to stop this from happening. This damn cult is dealing with powerful forces they don't understand. I've been secretly sabotaging their efforts where I can but I'm going to need to take greater action to stop the killings." ~Jim Johnson ("Memories and Dreams")
  5. "Born 1944, Died 1987." ~Luke Holmes' tombstone; "Born 1948, Died 1987." ~Stacy Holmes’ tombstone; "Born 1980, Died 1987." ~Megan Holmes’ tombstone ("Memories and Dreams")
  6. In Seeking Providence, Chapter 4 ("The Wretched")
  7. [See: death dates on the gravestones for Massacre victims found in Neveroak Cemetery.] ("Memories and Dreams")
  8. "March 4 Take the dog for a walk" (Strange Boxes Chapter 6 ("Pulling Threads"))